Shimi Research Center Pvt Ltd is the only company in the world till date to provide Acrylic Fibre Recycling Technology/Expertise. We provide all the necessary technical know-how on processing acrylic fibre waste to grey Polyacrylonitrile, PAN polymer so that it can be used as the raw material for acrylic fibre manufacturing, without any changes in the physical and chemical properties. The process is carried out in an environment friendly manner.
The acrylic fibre wastes are generated in different stages of fibre production line in the form of
- Acrylic soft waste.
- Acrylic tangled tow waste.
- Acrylic off grade soft and hard waste, etc.
These wastes find their market in Asian countries, where they are subjected to manual separation and production of yarn either in the actual form or blending with other fibre. The acrylic fibre wastes also find application in manufacturing of acrylic base adhesives and paints.
The global demands for synthetic fibre and higher cost of acrylic fibres in compare to polyester fibre require measures to minimize the waste and reduce the production cost.
In our patented technology, the acrylic fibre wastes in any form are converted to PAN polymer which could be easily mixed with the virgin pulverized PAN and introduced in manufacturing process, minimizing the waste generation and reducing the production cost.

Shimi Research Center can provide the technical know-how of the conversion acrylic fibre waste into PAN and currently looking for partners / investors for scaling up the process from laboratory scales to industrial scale.