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Shimi Research Center Pvt Ltd is a leading Battery Breaking Unit Manufacturer in India. We manufacture advanced Battery Breaking Unit with export quality raw materials. Battery Breaking Units are designed for the treatment of “mixed” batteries. Because of high product quality we are effectively exporting Battery Breaking Units in various parts of the world. At present we are one of the leading exporters of Battery Breaking Units in Middle East and South Africa.

The Battery Breaking Unit is designed for the treatment of “mixed” batteries with external cases in polypropylene and/or ebonite.

The plant is able to treat 5 ton/hr or more of batteries, separating the components in the most efficient way and obtaining high-quality products.

All the equipments are made in SS-304 in order to guarantee long life, good performance and low maintenance costs.

Four products approximately will be generated from the used Lead acid batteries:

  • Plastics (8%)
  • Separators (7%)
  • Metallic (30%)
  • Pastes/Lead (55%)


It is used Lead acid batteries are received through container / trucks will be unloaded at battery breaking storage area, from where battery will be processed through breaking and separation system.

Scrap batteries are fed to a hammer mill in which the material is crushed to a size suitable for good separation of the components.

The crushed material is classified by a wet screen, which separates the solid parts from the lead paste (lead sulphate and lead oxides) in a stream of recirculating wash water. Separated fines are collected in a settling tank from where the paste is extracted and filtered by a dewatering unit (optional). During screening only a small amount of metallic lead passes into the paste slurry, while oversize grids, poles and other plastic parts are conveyed to the hydrodynamic separator, where the following operations take place:

  • Separation of polypropylene in the upper part of the system
  • Collection of metallic lead, and extraction by means of a bottom screw conveyor
  • Separation of heavy plastics as ebonite, separators, polyethylene, etc.

All these products are conveyed to the relevant collection boxes for further use.

All the water used in the plant is continuously recycled so that, if the electrolyte content of the fed batteries is lower than 10% by weight, the plant does not release any liquid effluent. However, if the electrolyte content increases beyond 10%, then waste water treatment plant would be used to treat the effluent (optional). Plastics will be on recycle to approved Secondary plastic recycler/ storage. Metallic and Pastes will be consumed in Rotary / Vertical furnaces for smelting. Flow chart of Battery breaking and separation system is as follows: